Monday, June 22, 2009

My First Attempt at Poetry

I just purchased Hamlet a couple of days ago and am inviting people over to watch it this week. I've seen excerpts from a number of film versions of Hamlet and seen a couple all the way through. From everything I've seen so far, the one I like the best is the Kenneth Branagh version released in 1996. That's the one I bought and that we'll be watching.

When I started making the Facebook event on Saturday to invite people over I decided it'd be really cool to write the description in Shakespearean style. So after hours of looking up words, thinking, and writing on Saturday and Sunday, I have my first attempt at blank verse:
Come, I beseech thee, and sequacious be,
And fain aside thy dreary labors lay.
For an evening hence we shall display
The tragic story of young Hamlet prince.

Methinks the show four hours shall run,
Howbeit pause we and some refreshment take.
I shall some dish of culinary art prepare
And twain shall we partake therein and thr'out.

If it thy desire be, an off'ring shalt thou bring—
For then from thence we haply shall indulge
And betwixt us all a feast we'll make thereby;
Thus on the sweetness of much snackage dine.

Come hither to meet ere seven o'clock,
For straitly we shall start forthwith.
I prithee thus that prompt ye be,
Soas to end afore the witching hour strike.

Therefore straightway set thy mind to attend,
For I palter not, and again implore thee:
Decide anon and set thy mind to come
And repugn thee not then mine entreaty.
I have always considered poetry beyond my personal ability. Perhaps I need to revise my perspective and make more attempts. Ultimately I would like to write a poem about the clouds. But that's probably pretty far down the road. First I've got to make something rhyme.

Special thanks to Andrew, whose poetic attempts have inspired me to make some of my own.


Shelli said...

A very good attempt. I like it. I'll be there - though, don't hold it against me for being late. Also, I will bring some comestibles to make up for it.

J said...

Hey William!

Nice job on the poetry! That is awesome--I loved it! You rock!


Dave Buck said...

I tried poetry. Didn't work out for me, though.

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